Differences between Zip and RAR formats

In short, the ZIP format uses an encryption algorithm. Encryption is simply the use of an algorithm called Cipher to encrypt information so that no one else can see it.

The encryption format AES-128 (Advanced Encryption Standard) used in RAR archives is more secure than the encryption format used in ZIP. Therefore, if you are going to encrypt sensitive data, you should use the RAR archive format more. Here’s what you need to know about zip and RAR formats.


The Zip 2.0 encryption format can be quite slow. When someone uses different password recovery tools to recover your passwords, you can not believe that this Zip 2.0 encryption format will fully protect your data – if you want to increase the security of your data, you need to look for a better crypto-encryption method.


You must use at least eight characters to secure passwords for RAR archives. Do not use passwords in other languages ​​- it is best to use random passwords that are a mix of numbers and letters.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the passwords we provide are case sensitive. Case sensitive is not case sensitive – that is, the passwords are the same, but uppercase passwords cannot be decrypted – this will prevent the encrypted files from being recovered.